
Stanbic HQ

Accra, Ghana, West Africa

The landscape design for the new corporate headquarters for Stanbic Bank in Ghana planned for commencement in 2022.

The design intent is to create a symbolic landmark building in an urban location, the architectural concept includes  a free-standing tower with double volume foyer and generous landscaped forecourt over structured underground parking. Planting areas with raised seat walls in complementary geometries reflect the flowing lines of the building facades. Palms and shade trees provide a deep green edge for the axial pedestrian approach to the building and give definition to the sense of place.

In response to the dynamic, vibrant local culture, the landscape design concept establishes a unique, iconic & contemporary African character achieved through both soft landscaping (trees and planting) and hard landscaping (paving, furniture and embellishment) which are considered in terms of their specific character and contribution to the climate, local sense of place and context.

The planting program for the site is based on consideration of the tropical climate. Indigenous trees and plants have been selected wherever possible with the addition of suitable shrubs, textured grasses, groundcovers and architectural accent plants. The architectural plants, arranged in linear bands reinforce the approach, street views of the circular focal entrance geometry.

Planting at upper terrace levels provide outdoor relaxation space and background greenery to interior spaces.

Palms of various species, carefully selected for individual, form and character are the primary vertical ‘markers’ in the entrance court. The landscape is further defined by feature palms, sculpturally rounded feature shrubs and spiky accent plants set in planted beds.

The perimeter interface is layered with tree planting, hedges and shrub borders.

Parking and paths are defined with massed planting including groundcovers and grasses in linear beds and geometrically defined blocks.

The upper terraces have asymmetrical planted island beds built up off the slab, with edges defined with low seat walls and planted with shrubs, groundcovers and grasses.

A linear stormwater detention swale is incorporated along the southern boundary and acts as a screening buffer to the adjoining site.


The project is in the documentation stage as of Dec 2021.

Stanbic Bank

Hard and Soft Landscaping

Landscape Architecture