
Harbour Bay Retail

Simon’s Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Located near Simon’s Town, the retail centre was the first phase of a multi-use development, including retail, residential, medical centre and a lifestyle retirement village.

The 3,2 hectare site required substantial environmental rehabilitation prior to commencement.

OvP were appointed to provide the Landscape Master Plan for re-zoning and planning approval purposes. The plan served as a catalyst for long term design and planning approval purposes, established the spatial arrangement of the buildings and defined the form, type and character of the landscape infrastructure.

The project follows the Local Authorities ‘Package of Plans’ approach for the approval of phased development rights and detail landscape plans were prepared per phase including details for site edge conditions, access gateways, vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes, interstitial spaces, the sum of which define the contemporary landscape character of the private and semi-public realm.

The Retail Centre incorporates a range of apartments skilfully integrated within the structure and sharing a wind protected common outdoor retail court-yard space.

A feature of the project is the circular design theme being a subtle post industrial reference to the  machinery long associated to the original factory on the site and the large Trichilia emetica (Natal Mahogany) trees planted in the in-door mall areas.

The generally coastal, water-wise and indigenous planting palette was guided by the south orientation and exposure to on-shore salt laden winds in contrast to the more protected north orientation. A water license was required for the use of water harvested from underground streams for irrigation purposes.

A central feature of the project is the wind protected communal lawn space lined with coastal shade trees and indigenous planting which is flanked by a covered walkway, resort-style pool terrace with substantial decking, shade structures, pool bar, resort relaxation amenities, indoor gym and health spa.

The valley watershed location, at one time pre-industrial development a seasonal wetland, provides the opportunity to direct off-site underground stream water, otherwise canalised to the sea, into a system of shallow biodiversity water features which are woven into and through the spaces, along the covered walkways and stepping down at various levels through the project, culminating in a cascading feature pond at the main pedestrian entrance and linkage to the existing retail centre.


Implementation was completed in 2019.

3,2 hectares

Landscape Master Plan

Landscape Architecture