
Hartenbos Water Park

Mossell Bay, Western Cape, South Africa

Located near Mossell Bay in the Western Cape Province this is a children’s fun park at the coast, complimentary to the redevelopment of the retail node and existing holiday accommodations, for the Afrikaanse Taal & Kultuur Vereeniging (ATKV) land holdings.

Hartenbos is long associated with the annual migration of local summer holiday makers to the seaside.

The ATKV being traditionally a youth development organisation wished to upgrade their facilities and provide an inclusive commercial and leisure anchor to their extensive existing coastal holiday accommodations.

OvP provided the Landscape Master Plan which established the layout of the park, integrated with the spatial arrangement of the open planned retail buildings and permeable pedestrian movement system.

The Water Park is perched on the coastal escarpment with an extensive boardwalk providing sea views and access from the retail at the upper level. It is carefully integrated along the outer perimeter of the retail centre which also includes an indoor heated swimming pool and residential units arranged around a central square, water feature and surface parking area.

A central feature of the project is the large novel wind protected swimming pool and water slides, shade pergolas, lawns and adventure play structures. An amphitheatre, mini golf, beach volleyball, teenage chill areas and braai areas complete the composition within an indigenous garden setting.

Integrated pathways, low walls, purpose designed street furniture, signage are all carefully considered landscape design elements.

The generally coastal, water-wise and indigenous planting palette was guided by the south orientation and exposure to on-shore salt laden winds in contrast to the more protected north orientation. Thicket shrubs provide perimeter screening.


The Water Park was opened in 2016 with the ribbon cutting and closely followed by a stampede of excited school children in swimming gear. As of Jan 2023, the Retail Centre is being extended and the construction of further indoor recreational facilities are in progress (completion early 2024).

ATKV Hartenbos

Landscape Architecture