
St Cyprian’s School – SCS Projects Landscape Masterplan

Cape Town, South Africa

St Cyprian’s School embarked on a phased cross campus development and upgrade programme.

SCS school is located within a heritage area and Local Authority submission requirements for the phased upgrade programme required the submission of an Urban Design Framework, including Heritage and Landscape Architectural inputs for planning approval purposes.

The purpose of the landscape masterplan was to integrate the various development proposals and provide a guiding landscape plan for the future phased upgrade of the central core of heritage buildings, demolitions of existing and construction of new buildings and sports facilities.

The landscape master plan recognised the value of existing green spaces and indicates the possible complimentary extension of the green infrastructure.

An additional requirement included a desktop survey of the existing campus-wide tree canopy, including the species, location, size and botanical assessment of the condition for retention or possible replacement purposes.


The outcome of this study is a high-level landscape plan which by referencing the past, creates a high-value unifying frame of reference, for the future detailed landscape design of the various precincts at a unique school set at the foot of majestic Table Mountain.

St Cyprian’s School

Landscape Master Plan

Landscape Architecture