
University of Cape Town – Pedestrianisation

Cape Town, South Africa

This project was a landscape investigation focussed on exploring the potential of increasing the pedestrian priority areas of University Avenue, being the main cross axis roadway and pedestrian thoroughfare of the Upper Campus.

This project provided a landscape analysis of the study area, including existing usage and opportunities and constraints, concluding with a concept Landscape Master Plan and accompanying concept design proposals for broadening the lateral pedestrian priority zones outwards from the existing areas at intersection of the main visual axis with University Avenue.

The desktop study included an analysis of the existing materials, including paving, edgings and planting, and established a palette of new materials for phased implementation either through maintenance or landscape upgrading if and when funding should be available.


The project was presented to the University Property Committee and adopted for possible implementation during subsequent funding cycles. The study was later extended to include the central axis parking area between the residences at Jameson Steps.

University of Cape Town

Landscape Master Plan

Landscape Architecture